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Hejian Helps Residents Resolve Family Disputes

Posting time:2024-06-03 17:55:27

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Hejian Helps Residents Resolve Family Disputes

ByYao Yao September 22, 2022
[For Women of China]


Hejian Women's Federation recently provided training to help workers with women's federations, at all levels in Hejian (a city in North China's Hebei Province), and members of the village-level women's mediation committees (in Hejian) improve their ability to help residents resolve disputes with relatives and neighbors.

Organizers invited Qi Mingming, director of the Legal Aid Center, under Hejian Judicial Bureau, to provide a lecture to volunteers and cadres with women's federations, at all levels in Hejian, so they can improve their ability to help residents better protect their legal rights and interests. Qi explained the books on Marriage and Family and Succession in Chinese Civil Code (which took effect on January 1, 2021) . She also explained cases involving disputes between residents and their relatives and/or neighbors, to help participants improve their ability to help residents resolve the disputes.

Many of the participants said they benefited greatly from the training. They also said the lecture gave them greater confidence in their ability to help residents resolve family disputes, and to provide better services to residents, to protect their rights and interests.

During the past few years, workers with Hejian Women's Federation have made tremendous efforts to help residents resolve disputes within families and/or among neighbors, in part to promote social harmony and stability. By the end of November 2021, all villages and communities in Hejian had established women's mediation committees. So far, the committees, combined, have helped residents resolve more than 100 disputes.


(Women of China English Monthly August 2022 issue)


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